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Perfect place to look if you have a reason to celebrate, need a little inspiration or a visual reminder to keep you on track
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I Am Affirmation Cards
I Am Affirmation Cards
Price: $11.95

"I am... Affirmation Cards": A 150 card deck filled with positive affirmations carefully and specially chosen to enhance and empower your life experience. more info
Letting Go Cards
Letting Go Cards
Price: $11.95

Use this 100-card set to become aware of negative patterns that keep you from achieving your dreams.Enjoy a renewed inner peace and the positive changes that result. more info
Grieving Cards
Grieving Cards
Price: $12.95

A set of 100 cards to support one’s grieving process. The cards can be used as affirmations, intentions, as pick me ups or as journaling prompts. The cards are green which represents the heart on a chakra chart. A place to release emotionally suppressed trauma.  The cards invite you to be gentle with yourself as you work your way through grief. more info
The Miracle Keys
The Miracle Keys: A Conversation with an Angel (print edition)
Price: $13.99

Part conversation with an angel, part authentic conversation with the author's heart, this is a book about miracles & happiness & opening to the treasures we each hold inside. more info
Mini Retreat Solution Ebook
The Mini Retreat Solution Ebook
Price: $14.95

Improve your health & performance in minutes a day! With over 80 different ways to relax & refresh, The Mini-Retreat Solution ebook will show you how to weave moments of deep relaxation into your day - no matter how busy you are. more info
Becoming Your True Self CD
Becoming Your True Self CD
Price: $14.95

This CD has two powerful visualizations that guide you to meet your Future Self and the Magical Child. Awesome allies to help you unleash your creativity and full potential. more info
Just One Thing Card Deck
Just One Thing Card Deck
Price: $19.99
ON SALE: $14.99
Savings: $5.00

ON SALE These practices are grounded in brain science, positive psychology, and contemplative training. They’re simple and easy to do - and they produce powerful results: bringing you more joy, more fulfilling relationships, and more peace of mind and heart.
more info
Emergence CD A Meditative Journey Through the Seasons
Emergence CD A Meditative Journey Through the Seasons
Price: $15.00

Emergence takes you on a transformative journey with guided visualizations and soothing original musical selections. Connect to your dreams of an authentic, empowered life. more info
Face The Music CD
Face The Music... and go beyond the business blues
Price: $15.00

This great CD is a compilation of business blues songs inspired by themes from workplace experiences. This is bottom line blues for anyone with a job. more info
Your Work Is Your Song
Your Work Is Your Song
Price: $15.00

Each song on this CD playfully describes business/work/life and how we relate to it. The music is cross genre, sometimes edgy but always distinctive, rhythmic and tuneful. more info