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We! Connect Cards (4-pack)
We! Connect Cards
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Price: $90.00



We! Connect Cards - 4 pack (save $10)

Transform conversations into action. Build relationships. Have fun!

Groups function best when participants feel they know each other and the We! Connect Cards facilitate that process beautifully. The deck includes lots of "getting to know you" questions grouped into three suits; fun, reflective and a little deeper. Here’s an example of a “fun” question: How well would you get along with your clone? Use them all, or choose the suits that work best for your purposes.

About We! Connect Card Deck

  • 60 questions color coded by type of question ( fun, reflective and a little deeper)
  • A link for 10+ video tutorials describing ways to use the cards is included on the box
  • 20 purple cards, 20 green cards, and 20 blue cards in the deck (makes it easy to sort teams)
  • There is a fun pictogram of a physical action illustrated on the back of each card that can be used for a fun icebreaker or a way to sort participants into pairs.
  • There is one pair of the same action for each color, making the cards a perfect tool for grouping people up kinesthetically

We! Connect Cards are a perfect tool to start off a program, training, or meeting. The questions have all been carefully crafted by over a dozen facilitation experts to be both unique and inclusive. This deck helps create real connections and relationships in a fun, engaging way. The 4-pack is perfect for small workshops and events. Need more? Check out the 10-pack

Want more ideas on group facilitation? Check out the book by the creators of the We! Connect Cards: Pocket Guide to Facilitating Human Connections

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