Team Building In-A-Box
Address communication
challenges and identify specific ways team members can work better together
through this fun, hands-on process, based on DISC.
Team Building In-A-Box includes a Leader’s Guide and all the materials you’ll
need to guide a team of 10 through a fun and powerful communications activity.
(For larger teams, just get an extension pack.)
It is designed to be completed in two hours, but an experienced coach could
easily turn this into a half or full day workshop by moving slower and asking
thought provoking questions to lead a team into deeper conversations about how
they show up and work together.
Teams struggle to work together because of different communication styles. For
some, it’s a minor challenge, for other teams it can be debilitating.
Good news! Communication style differences are a problem that can be resolved
through strong coaching.
The key is that teams need opportunities to talk about how they want to work
together. Team members need a way to express what they want/need from the team
and to learn how to better communicate with each other. This activity provides
these opportunities in a fun and interesting way.
Team Building In-A-Box is based on the DISC model. There are four basic
communication styles – and we each are a blend of all of them – yet we usually
have one style that is dominant. Each style brings a different strength to the
· Dominant Directors are good at moving the team forward to goals; they are decisive
and goal oriented.
· Interactive Socializers bring energy and excitement to teamwork, they are creative, and
future focused.
· Supportive Empathizers bring balance and stability to the team; they make sure nothing
and no one slips through the cracks.
· Cautious Thinkers are good at analyzing information and ideas; they ensure the
group is making smart decisions based on research and data.
Teams need all of these styles to have balance.
These different styles can clash and lead to frustration. Understanding these
styles is the key to better team relationships.
You need no prior knowledge of or certification in DISC to be able
to facilitate this workshop. Any coach or team leader can just follow the
Leader’s Guide and take their team through this workshop.
How Teams Will Benefit:
· Gain an understanding how each team members prefers to be
communicated with.
· Learn what behaviors frustrate other team members so they can be
· Understand how team members behave differently when they are
stressed and what they want you to do to support them.
· Develop an appreciation for the value each team member brings to
the team.
· Make concrete plans & commitments for how to improve team
Testimonials from team leaders who LOVED this
self-guided workshop:
"I did this activity with my team as preparation
for a difficult conversation about how we can address system bias in our roles.
They were skeptical at first but quickly got very into it and enjoyed the
process very much. Afterward, we were able to have a very rich and productive
conversation about how we can use the particular strengths of our communication
styles, how our styles change under pressure, and how to adapt our styles when
communicating across difference."
Brittany Walker Pettigrew, Program Manager, Alameda County Department of children and Family Services
"Team Building In-A-Box is a great product that
exceeded expectations. The structured activities spurred deep conversations
amongst our executive leadership team, resulting in fresh perspectives about
how we can perform even more effectively as individuals and a team."
Meca Mohammed, VP of Operations & Talent GLISI
What is included?
1. Leader’s Guide
2. 10 sets of handouts
3. Communication Styles
deck of cards
4. 18X24 poster
5. 10 Meeples (wooden game
6. Dot stickers
7. Double-sided stickers
8. Permanent Pen
Want to use with multiple groups?
The Kit comes with ordering information for refills!
from a USA Coaching Toys Associate
on this product to USA is $9.95
Shipping on this product to Canada is $50.00
Minnesota residents will be charged sales tax
For quantity orders call Coaching Toys at 612-822-8720