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Finding Your Dream eBook
Finding Your Dream eBook
Price: $9.95


Finding Your Dream eBook

In this downloadable book you’ll share the experiences of real people who have struggled to recognize and define what it is that makes them unique and what brings joy and passion to their lives. As you will see the very process of finding your dream can be life-changing.

Finding Your Dream helps you to feel the freedom of choice and feel the abundance of being rich with passion and dreams. As you come to truly know yourself, you will also more deeply trust and recognize the signs and insights along the way, giving you daily guidance to find your dream.

See What's Inside!

Quality of Life
Recognizing Your Dream
The Death of a Dream
Being You with You
From Dreamless to Destiny
Discovering a Deeper Place
Your Typical Day
Your Ideal Day
Prime Time
Your Ease Meter
Passion Pulse
Five Rechargers
Daily Practice
Creating Your Daily Practice
Personal Pause Strategies
Five Things in Five Minutes

Marcia Wieder assures us that the process of finding your dream begins by stopping. It’s time to stop and join the Dream Movement.

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